statistics - Statistics 2023-2024



Rankings 2023-2022 

Number of teachers  46
number of teaching graduates phd  20
teachers with master's degree 26
number of teaching teachers who hold a medical certificate  0
number of teaching teachers who hold the human sciences certificate 0
percentage of employees with disabilities 0
there are programs regarding the employment of graduate students  Yes: through the graduate unit and the establishment of relations and performances with companies and institutions
the total number of employees is  40
employees of their engineering specialization (total/female only). -
The number of employees who are specialized in science (total/number of females only) is mentioned.  - 1
- Mention the number of employees who are related to computer science 2 - femal 2
number of employees who are their architectural specialty 0
number of foreign teachers 0

Number of published research:



Number of published research for the year 2019-2018: 23 research for download Click here.

Number of published research for the year 2017-2018: 23 research for download Click here.

Number of published researches for the year 2016-2017: 87 research papers for protection Click here.

Number of published research for the year 2015-2016: 53 Downloads Please click here.


Statistics of training courses for department Lectures for the year 2018-2019:

To find out the number of training courses and workshops for department Lecturesclick here


Statistics of training courses for department employees for the year 2018-2019:

To find out the number of training courses and workshops for employees of the department, click here


Associate 's statistics by (teachers) (scientific title - certificate) - administrative - technicians) 2018-2019

 Rankings 2020-2019

Number of teachers  46
number of teaching graduates phd  20
teachers with master's degree 26
number of teaching teachers who hold a medical certificate  0
number of teaching teachers who hold the human sciences certificate 0
percentage of employees with disabilities 0
there are programs regarding the employment of graduate students  Yes: through the graduate unit and the establishment of relations and performances with companies and institutions
the total number of employees is  40
employees of their engineering specialization (total/female only). -
The number of employees who are specialized in science (total/number of females only) is mentioned.  - 1
- Mention the number of employees who are related to computer science 2 - femal 2
number of employees who are their architectural specialty 0
number of foreign teachers 0