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  • الدراسات العليا

       تخرجت الدفعة الاولى لقسم هندسة الطب الحياتي 2019-2020 ولم يتم استحداث شعبة الدراسات العليا لغاية الان.           

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  • الخطة الدراسية

            المناهج والخطط الدراسية فرع الأجهزة الطبية الحياتية المناهج والخطط الدراسية فرع الميكانيك الاحيائي  وصف المقررات الدراسية لنظام بولونيا للعام الدراسي 2023-2024          

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  • بوابة القسم الالكترونية

      ∇نظام ادارة التعليم الالكتروني لقسم هندسة الطب الحياتي ∇       استمارة الحصول على البريد الالكتروني الرسمي لطلبة المرحلة الاولى اضغط هنا استمارة الحصول على البريد الالكتروني الرسمي لمنتسبي وتدريسيي القسم اضغط هنا              مجموعة من التطبيقات المستخدمة لمساعدة الطالب               Google classroom             Google meet             Google sheets            Google Document            Google Drive             UOT Email              فديو تعليمي عن كيفية الدخول الى منصة التعليم الالكتروني Google classroom             فديو تعليمي عن كيفية الدخول الى منصة التعليم الالكتروني canvas      

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  • المحاضرات

    المحاضرات العلمية لقسم هندسة الطب الحياتي للمراحل الدراسية الخمسة ولكلا الفرعين ( فرع ألاجهزة الطبية الحياتية , فرع الميكانيك الاحيائي )

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  • الوثائق المنجزة

         الوثائق المنجزة لخريجي قسم هندسة الطب الحياتي     

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  • مشاريع التخرج

                مشاريع التخرج  


Registration requirements

Required Documents for Registration and Admission of Students in the First Stage:

- [Click here] to access the required documents for registration and admission of students in the first stage.
- [click here] for the department guide.

Graduation Requirements in the Biomedical Engineering Department:
- The study duration in the department is 5 years, comprising 10 courses, including:
1. Medical Devices Branch:
- Total number of units: 195.
2. Biomechanics Branch:
- Total number of units: 195.
- It's worth noting that the study in the first and second stages is general, and specialization begins from the third stage.

Confirmation of Study Continuation:
- Students who wish to continue their studies are required to provide a confirmation of study continuation.
- To do so, download the confirmation request form, fill in the required information, and then obtain one colored copy of it (1 page).
- [Click here] to download the confirmation request form.

Student Discipline Instructions:
- For student discipline instructions, please refer to the provided links above.

If you need further assistance or have any questions, feel free to ask.

Student Discipline Instructions:

According to the provisions of paragraph (2) of Article (37) and paragraph (2) of Article (47) of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Law No. (40) of 1988, the following instructions have been issued:

Instruction No. (160) of 2007

Instructions for Student Discipline in Higher Education Institutions

Article 1: The student is committed to the following:

1. Adhering to the laws, regulations, internal regulations, instructions, and orders issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and its institutions (the university, the authority, the college, the institute).

2. Not infringing upon religious beliefs, national unity, or nationalist sentiments in any way or deliberately inciting sectarian, racial, or religious strife, whether in action or in speech.

3. Not harming the reputation of the ministry or its institutions by word or deed, whether inside or outside them.

4. Avoiding anything that conflicts with high academic conduct, respecting the administration, faculty, and staff, and fostering collegial relationships and cooperation among students.

5. Demonstrating disciplined behavior that positively impacts future employment and nomination for scholarships and academic fellowships.

6. Refraining from any action that disrupts the system, tranquility, and peace within the university campus (college or institute), incites or participates in it, or covers up those responsible for it.

7. Preserving educational supplies and university, authority, college, or institute properties.

8. Not disrupting the smooth conduct of studies in the college or institute.

9. Adhering to the prescribed uniform for students, taking into account the specificity of each university or institution individually.

10. Avoiding the promotion of organizations that deepen discrimination or engage in any form of political, religious, or social persecution.

11. Avoiding advertising for any political party, political organization, ethnic group, or religious or sectarian group, whether in picture captions, posters, or banners, or holding seminars.

12. Not inviting political figures to give lectures or hold political or religious propaganda seminars within the university campus to preserve national unity.

Article 2:The student shall be punished by warning if they commit one of the following violations:

1. Not adhering to the prescribed uniform in the university or institution.

2. Harming collegial relationships among students or exceeding them by word against another student.

Article 3:The student shall be punished by caution if they commit one of the following violations:

1. Committing an act that requires punishment by warning after being previously punished by a warning.

2. Disturbing the system, tranquility, and peace in the university, authority, college, or institute.

Article 4:The student shall be punished by suspension from the university for a period not exceeding one academic year if they commit one of the following violations:

1. Committing an act that requires punishment by caution after previously being punished by caution.

2. Exceeding by word against a university member other than faculty members.

3. Slandering a faculty member, which damages their reputation within the college or institute or outside them.

4. Placing posters within the university campus that violate public order and morals.

Article 5:The student shall be punished by permanent expulsion from the college or institute, with a decision from the university or authority, and their enrollment shall be annulled if they commit one of the following violations:

1. Repeating one of the violations stipulated in Article (4) of these instructions.

2. Engaging in or inciting sectarian, racial, or political gatherings within the university campus.

3. Physically assaulting or inciting violence against university members other than faculty members.

4. Using violence against fellow students.

5. Threatening to engage in armed violence.

6. Carrying weapons, with or without permission, within the university campus.

7. Deliberately causing damage to university, authority, college, or institute properties.

8. Harming national unity or religious beliefs.

9. Exceeding by word against a faculty member within the college or institute or outside them.

10. Harming the reputation of the university or authority by word or deed.

11. Intentionally disrupting the smooth conduct of studies.

12. Proven involvement in fraud and deceit against fellow students and college or institute affiliates.

Article 6:The student has the right to object to decisions of expulsion stipulated in items (2), (3), and (4) of Article (5) of these instructions within seven days from the date of being informed of the decision, or if unable to be notified, within fifteen days from the date of the decision being posted on the notice board.

Article 7:The decision of the punishment shall be suspended on the notice board in the college or institute for a period of not less than fifteen days, and the guardian of the student shall be informed in writing.

Article 8:The student disciplinary committee shall be formed by the dean of the college or institute, chaired by the assistant dean, and with the membership of two faculty members, one of whom shall be legally qualified, and a representative from the student union (elected). An administrative employee shall be assigned to act as the committee's rapporteur.

Article 9:No disciplinary punishment may be imposed unless recommended by the Student Discipline Committee.

Article 10:Disciplinary punishments stipulated in these instructions shall be imposed by a decision of the college or institute council, and the council may delegate its powers to the dean of the college or institute.

Article 11:The punishments of warning and caution are final.

Article 12:The student has the right to object to the decisions of expulsion stipulated in items (2), (3), and (4) of Article (5) of these instructions within seven days from the date of being informed of the decision, or if unable to be notified, within fifteen days from the date of the decision being posted on the notice board.

Article 13:The decision of the punishment shall be suspended on the notice board in the college or institute for a period of not less than fifteen days, and the guardian of the student shall be informed in writing.

Article 14:Student discipline instructions No. (19) of 1989 are canceled.



خطة القبول

خطة القبول في قسم هندسة الطب الحياتي :


خطة القبول للعام الدراسي 2023-2024 50% للدراسة الصباحية  50% للدراسة المسائية
خطة القبول للعام الدراسي 2022-2023 50% للدراسة الصباحية  50% للدراسة المسائية
خطة القبول للعام الدراسي 2021-2022 50% للدراسة الصباحية  50% للدراسة المسائية
 خطة القبول للعام الدراسي 2020-2021 50% للدراسة الصباحية  50% للدراسة المسائية 
خطة القبول للعام الدراسي 2019-2020  50% للدراسة الصباحية  50% للدراسة المسائية 
خطة القبول للعام الدراسي 20118-2019 50% للدراسة الصباحية  50% للدراسة المسائية
خطة القبول للعام الدراسي 2017-2018 50% للدراسة الصباحية  50% للدراسة المسائية 
خطة القبول للعام الدراسي 2016-2017 100% للدراسة الصباحية  
خطة القبول للعام الدراسي 2015-2016 100% للدراسة الصباحية 


الاعلانات والاحداث القادمة

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الطلبة الاوائل

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